This story always has people laughing...
I recently started working at a daycare because I wanted to see how daycares operated. I think I want to start one when I become a pastor. The daycare I work at never has a dull moment, something is always popping off. If I could, I would do a reality show about this daycare and here is why...
This was my first day at the job and right off I could tell that this place was off the chain. The kids were everywhere doing what they wanted and staff was to themselves. I was observing the scene to figure out what I got myself into. I am not going to give the names out. The head assistant asked me to put on a CD for circle time. I said, cool. I walk over and put the CD on and this one child didn't want to listen and participate in circle time. He wanted to play with the toys. So the assistant said to put on Number 5 on the CD. Now, the child that didn't want to particpate in circle time heard the CD come on. And all of sudden he turn and started dancing and saying.."OOOO this is my Shit, Popcorn, Popcorn! The song was called, "Popcorn Song". Then he went over to a girl and said, Come on girl, let's dance. She pushed and said leave me alone. He said forget you then and kept on dancing.
I'm sitting thinking to myself..I didn't know circle time was a club for 4 year olds.
All I gotta say is...Popcorn...
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